On 17th May, we took part in a event that had place inside the Palazzo dei Vicari ( Scarperia ), in collaboration with the Florentine Chef Association…the “Disfida del Tortello”!
9 chefs have been chosen for the competition to be the partecipants of the Tortello’s champion election. The jury had to take into account the cooking of the tortello, time, workbench cleaning and plating.
Our Chef Claudio Fiorenzano and Sous Chef Alberto Lamberini, have been super!
They made a careful research on potatoes stuffed tortello’s origins and on ingredients provenience, linked to the historical period, with a bit of customization but keeping the tradition. So they’ve chosen to use ground by stone integral flours, like in the ancient times.The stuffing, delicated but savory, has been made with potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, some nutmeg and thyme, with a parmisan cream at the bottom…to licking their chops!
Compliments to the winner of the competition and to all the partecipants, the event has been a good opportunity for all of us and to enhance the Mugello area.
About the Locanda, our tortelli will be part of the menu at our Restaurant, ready to be tasted by our favourite jury…YOU!
Dont’ miss the video about the Disfida on our Youtube Channel https://youtu.be/325a0aJpuTo
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